Karur Vysya Bank Limited Chart Analysis
As this is slow moving stock, so for better analysis we have considered the monthly chart from 01/01/2008 to till date. From analysis we have observed that this share respect the support and resistance levels very much.
Also we have observed that it makes “U” pattern before moving up/down. From June 2008 to June 2019 it makes 4 “U” patterns and one reverse “U” pattern. Out of this 4 “U” pattern,2 “U” pattern gives the return of 72 % (Within 3 Months) and 39 % (Within 4 months).
As the overall market sentiments are on positive side and results of the Karur Vysya bank is also improving. So we can watch the movements of this share as this is near to the completion of the “U” pattern once again.