Maruti chart analysis | Maruti option startegy | Maruti Hedging

Maruti chart analysis

Daily chart Maruti

Maruti chart analysis, and maruti option strategy

Maruti chart analysis,

In our daily chart, we see that Maruti is in the range of 6400 to 7000 from last some days, so we create a range-bound strategy for some profit. 

Maruti option strategy

Maruti option strategy,

First, we Buy future, buy 65000 calls, short 6800 calls and buy 7000 calls.

buy future @ 6713

Buy 6500 calls @ 307

Short 6800 Call @ 152

Buy 7000 calls @ 85

Payoff chart of Maruti strategy

No Strike Premium Option Buy(1)Sell(0) Expiry Gross P/L LOT SIZE TOTAL P /L
1 1 6712 future 1 7300 -39 100 -3900
2 6500 307 call 0 7250 -39 100 -3900
3 6800 152 call 0 7200 -39 100 -3900
4 7000 85 call 1 7150 -39 100 -3900
5         7100 -39 100 -3900
6         7050 -39 100 -3900
7         7000 -39 100 -3900
8         6950 11 100 1100
9         6900 61 100 6100
          6850 111 100 11100
Difference 50       6800 161 100 16100
Expiry from 7300       6750 161 100 16100
lot size 100       6700 161 100 16100
          6650 161 100 16100
          6600 161 100 16100
          6550 161 100 16100
          6500 161 100 16100
          6450 111 100 11100
          6400 61 100 6100
          6350 11 100 1100
          6300 -39 100 -3900
          6250 -89 100 -8900
          6200 -139 100 -13900
          6150 -189 100 -18900
          6100 -239 100 -23900
          6050 -289 100 -28900
          6000 -339 100 -33900
          5950 -389 100 -38900
          5900 -439 100 -43900
          5850 -489 100 -48900
          5800 -539 100 -53900
          5750 -589 100 -58900
          5700 -639 100 -63900
          5650 -689 100 -68900
          5600 -739 100 -73900
          5550 -789 100 -78900
          5500 -839 100 -83900
          5450 -889 100 -88900
          5400 -939 100 -93900
          5350 -989 100 -98900
          5300 -1039 100 -103900
          5250 -1089 100 -108900
          5200 -1139 100 -113900
          5150 -1189 100 -118900
          5100 -1239 100 -123900
          5050 -1289 100 -128900
          5000 -1339 100 -133900
          4950 -1389 100 -138900
          4900 -1439 100 -143900
          4850 -1489 100 -148900

Above payoff chart

In our above payoff chart,

We see that our loss is limited on the upside if Maruti expires above 6961. and maximum loss is RS 3900 on the upside.

And loss starts if Maruti falls below 6340. and there is unlimited loss on the downside.

and our profit range is 6340 to 6960 and maximum profit is RS 16100.

For better understanding pls see the video

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