Mock Test NISM Depository Operations Mock Test | Mock Test NISM Series VI August 10, 2021August 11, 2021 Vinay Bhandari 0 Comments currency mock test, currency mock test derivative, free mock test, free mock test NISM, free mock test nism mutual funds, hedging strategies by vinay bhandari, how we enroll nism exam, how we pull option data in excel, how we study nism exam, mock test nism, Mock Test NISM Depository Operations, mock test nism derivative, mock test nism mutual funds, Mock Test NISM Series VI, Mock Test NISM Series VIII Equity Derivatives Certification Exam, mock test of currency derivative, mock test practice NISM, modal paper nism series viii, nism, nism centres, nism currency, nism currency certificate, nism currency exam, nism currency exam certificate, nism currency mock test, nism currency mock test free, nism currency mock test freenism currency mock test online nism currency mock test questionsnism currency mock, nism currency mock test freenism currency mock test online nism currency mock test questionsnism currency mock test 2020 mock test ieltsmock test online mock test papersmock test neet, NISM Depository Operations Mock Test, nism derivative, nism forex, nism investment advisor mock test papers, nism mock test mutual funds, nism mock test PDF, NISM mock test practice questions, Nism modal papers, nism papers, nism test papers, Nism test questions, sample questions of nism currency exam 21 Created on August 10, 2021 NISM Series (VI) Depository Operations Examination NISM Depository Operations Exam PatternNISM Series (VI) Depository Operations Examination PatternExam FeesRs. 1500 +Test Duration2 Hours (120 Minutes)Total Questions100 QuestionsMaximum Marks100 marksPassing Marks60% (60 Marks)Negative Marking– 25% of the marks assigned to the questionNISM Depository Operations Exam Syllabus OutlineUnitsChapter NameUnit 1Introduction to the Capital MarketUnit 2Introduction to DepositoryUnit 3Depository and its Business PartnersUnit 4Functions of Depository Participant - Account OpeningUnit 5Functions of Depository Participant - Transmission and NominationUnit 6Functions of Depository Participant - DematerializationUnit 7Functions of Depository Participant - Trading and SettlementUnit 8Pledge and HypothecationUnit 9Corporate ActionUnit 10Public IssuesUnit 11Debt Instruments and Government SecuritiesUnit 12Foreign Portfolio InvestorUnit 13Rajiv Gandhi Equity Saving SchemesUnit 14Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA) 1 / 10 In Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) the first 8 digits indicate the Depositiory Participant the last 8 digits is the Client's ID both the above 2 / 10 In CDSL the last 8 digits is the Depositiory Participant Client's ID 3 / 10 In CDSL the first 8 digits indicate the client's ID. Depositiory Participant 4 / 10 A Demat a/c has _____ digits. 18 16 14 12 5 / 10 What are transitory d'mat accounts ? D'Mat account of Beneficiary D'Mat account of Clearing Members D'mat account of NRI's D'Mat account of Minors 6 / 10 The securities in a Transitory account are not owned by him. True False 7 / 10 The securities in a Transitory account are held for a commercial purpose only. True False 8 / 10 A Transitory account is the account of the clearing member. Yes no maybe 9 / 10 If there is no transaction in the d'mat account, then the transaction statement should be provided at least once in a ________and should be dispatched directly to the client's address. year month 10 / 10 The DP has to provide D'mat transaction statement every ________ year month day Your score is The average score is 91% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz Other Articles Reliance option strategyNifty analysis for next weekWhat is DOGECOIN? How do we buy in India?Bank nifty expiry strategyDow chart analysisBest option strategyBank nifty automated option chain (monthly)Nifty automated option chain (monthly)TCS automated option chainRisk Reward 1:14 Click Here>>>